Saturday, August 29, 2009 |
let's just see how much more we each can take. |
Thursday, August 27, 2009 |
the weather is making crave herbal chicken! paired with a few food blogs, plus a nice cup of tea = perfect lazy afternoon then i remember the mountain load of readings i have to do for Consumer Behaviour. sighs. major spoiler. Mos Study Session again today! |
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 |
flip flops - my new love! ![]() Love d many meetups recently and am happy that there's more to come! See U really soon gen! |
Saturday, August 22, 2009 |
hello study dates - I see that you're here to stay.... ![]() |
Thursday, August 20, 2009 |
i'm just in an utterly crap mood these days, and nothing seems to be able to break this awful spell. long baths, done. self-pampering, done. sleep, over-done. comfort food - warm noodles in soup, done. chocolate? seems like i need to get myself some more. my stash ran out.. and i really wonder why godiva/sins dont do 24hr delivery. a girl can really do with some good chocolate lovin' at 1am in the morning sometimes. sighs. just feel absolutely rotten. bah. bah. bah. bah. bah. knowing that i have tonnes of reading to do doesnt seem to help things either. sighs. really wonder how long will it take for things to settle in proper. |
"Everyone wants to be loved, every once in awhile...." |
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 |
what do you do when you're unhappy? |
Sunday, August 16, 2009 |
I'm feeling really unsettled now. Time tables nv seem to be the same each week. So much details to work into the month - freelance work, sit down revision time, me-time, time with cm... Dun even get me started on that. I find it an absolute pain having to coordinate our scheds each week. N I have no idea when did I start getting so anal abt plans for the week / day. I miss my routines so. Sighs. |
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 |
I want to eat sugar peanuts!!! =) shall not give in to twitter... Must not give in to twitter. Back to international marketing management class. Eeee. Lola says hi, n tt she's tempting me wif salted peanuts. Eee. Cmi. |
hello world, it's 550am.. I love my new data plan. I can blog while waiting for my toner to get absorbed! Hee been working quite late nights recently, n it's showing on my face! Sighs. I guess that's what age does to you.. plenty of decisions to make recently, one of the more pressing ones - to get or not to get a printer.. Printing notes in sch is just so exp. I rather spend d money elsewhere,.. *note to self: to start preparing notes by fri Nights and have a great wednesday! |
Friday, August 07, 2009 |
whee! Just had a great nasi lemak dinner n m slacking ard in tiong bahru plaza with my phone while cm checks his NUS module thingy. Presentation went quite okay yesterday. Just glad to get it over n done with.. =) nw it's just exams for the rest of the retail marketing module. 2 weeks of school down, another 2 weeks to a one week break. =D |