Wednesday, March 14, 2007 |
Below is the MSN conversation i had with Matthew a few minutes ago.![]() yes bunny. although you don't make a very good relationship advisor. i still love you. a lot. =) thanks for always cheering me up online. |
Tuesday, March 13, 2007 |
i can't believe school is only gonna start on the 30th of april. what am i going to do for the whole month of april?! Grr. i really wish i could score more days of work at the Lancome counters.. i really need some extra cash, and to like, get started on saving up for college unless i wanna go up to Australia and survive on cat food. but then again, i heard/read (i can't really remember as it was really long ago) that quite a few years back, Ayumi Hamasaki actually ate cat food to try lose weight? hmm..the crazy fads that some people go through to try shed those irritating pounds...if only i was that gung-ho, then maybe i would have lost some weight already. Chinese new year 2007 was fun, and it has decided to give me something extra to remember it by -- 1 extra kilo. Thanks to all the pineapple tarts, ba kua, love letters and alcohol....bleah. Thank god my mummy dumped me her True Yoga membership. Honestly, i don't think that doing yoga actually helps to slim you down unless you go for the hot and combat ones (the two classes which i attend as i think the others are a complete waste of time)where you actually get to sweat by the buckets.. Yoga only manages to make me feel like this clumsy and inflexible oaf as i can't go about completing a full set of positions whereas the others (some aunties even) in class can just grab both their ankles with both their hands (one hand to one ankle) while having their belly flat on the ground, dammit. and I bought myself a new tankini, to encourage myself to swim more often, only to realise that i earned myself some very ugly tannlines after 15laps! even after sunblock. so yeah. i didn feel very motivated to go on swimming after that. Of course, there's always the option of going to the gym, but i always somehow feel so reluctant to spend money on gym admisssion.. i know, i can use the school gym..but that means i have to go back to Yio Chu Kang, and the fact that my only gym membership is at the Laguna country club located near the friggin EXPO doesnt help much either! sighs, if only hsien's schedule tallied with mine more often.. then we could go to the gym together eh? Bleah. i whine and i rant but the stupid pounds are still on me. if only i could lose weight by talking. i bet i would be as slim as paris hilton in maybe a month. boo hoo. i really wanna lose 25pounds. |
Sunday, March 11, 2007 |
you know what, i really hate the new blogger. it just never fails to screw up the font alignment of every single entry. oh and my blog counter isn't moving. it better not be anything to do with the new stupid blogger system too. |
Yes, the Sony VAIO is a piece of art.. whoever said that line, certaintly knows what he is talking about... ![]() ![]() and it's mine to hold, and to cherish, for now and for always, till death (its death that is *choy*) do us part!! It's like one of the sexiest notebooks in the market aint it? and it's in blush pink!!! plus, i have the matching mouse to go along with it too! muahaha.. oh well. Enough about my baby. After visiting the IT show and coming out with an obviously emptier wallet, we went over for a night's stay at the Rasa Sentosa Resort after dinner. We woke up to the promised "lush greenery of fort siloso" and a view of the sea and the extreme side of the balcony. yeah. the view wasn't first class (what can you expect from a free room) but it was pretty awesome and the comfy king size bed, a dream. the view from the lift lobby on the 11th floor was just stunning. who knew Singapore could be this beautiful eh? maybe sometimes it doesn't harm to look at Singapore in the perspective of a tourist.. The pool was a little small, but whatever, there were a few hot guys walking around today morning and i saw a few monkeys climbing into the balcony porches of the hotel rooms on the 9th floor! smart idiots. i wonder why we don't get climbing monkeys on the 9th floor of our HDBs too.. i swam for only half an hour around 10am and i got tanned already. even though i freaking applied SPF35 sunblock. boo. i hate the sun. that's why swimming is such a turnoff. stupid stupid tannlines. *you just had to go all out and spoil my mood eh? sometimes it wouldn't hurt to be a little more sensitive and maybe, attentive? then again, maybe it would. |
Sunday, March 04, 2007 |
you know something? i'm a sucker for tradition..maybe that's the reason why i enjoy the chinese new year so much. i like the reunion dinners that i always have on chu xi at my paternal grandfather's house..they're a great chance for catching up with my cousins, and the only chance in that year whereby i would be able to sit down and have a meal with both my parents and sister.. then there's the standard visting schedule... for Day 1, we go back to my paternal grandfather's place for breakfast.. he's one of the cutest grandparents i know.. Already 90+ years old but still very cute and good-tempered. i really like his ears and i think timmy's elephant ears look abit like his... then we go on to my maternal grandparents' house...for lunch...the usual blackjack gambling session. i totally dig my aunt's coach bag. the interior is sooo pretty.
i dunno about you, but i really like big gatherings. i think they're really fun. Random picture of my aunt and cousin, trying to be the poster couple for the 'jie di lian' 'lao shao pei' trend.. my uncle suggested that we do the same too.. might be able to make some money...pretty good money i should chase us away. i got the chance to catch up with my nieces and nephews... all 3 of them. i'd like to think that i dote on them a lot... and i think they're uber cute! oh god. kids are so cute.. so long they aren't mine. and i managed to catch up with my cousin darius too. i dote on him the most.. always buying toys and sweets. he's starting primary school this year somewhere in Ipoh, and look at this poor boy! he had to shave his head in accordance of the school rules! nasty and stupid rules some schools have. why they want their males students to look like baby monks, i would never know. and of course.. there's the usual 'lo-hei'... But in the recent year.. i finally came to realise why there are fifteen days to the chinese new year.. there are just too many places to visit! We went to CK's place, for dinner.. Ck's my darling of a godbrother and one of the most talented people i know. he cooked this entire spread above, all by himself! As per usual, the gambling table was out and people were playing blackjack to pass time... sometimes i wonder..why must people gamble during the new year eh? is that some kinda unwritten tradition? We bought him a bottle of champagne to thank him for having us over! and then we went to kbox where the guys got high on beer. =s ![]() ![]() Another day was reserved for dinner at Hsien's! where i got to meet an African baby! and it was also at hsien's where i realised that i've been really down on my luck for the past few days of cny as i have never won money from the gambling table.. come to think of it, i actually lost money at every table i played. It was so bad that i had to bet 10cents in the end, to keep myself in the game. i swear my 10cents looks so pathetic beside shing's very pretty and colorful two dollar note. Also went over to cm's to visit and met his brother's very adorable puppy 'Mocha'.. learnt how to play mahjong at lenny's..**thanks brother! for contributing to my beginners luck! and for taking it all away when u sat down at the table to play. and of course the usual dinner at my place.. my darling fangyi and ernest came by this year. =) i was a tad silly and forgetful that day. i prepared the yu sheng at home and i forgot to add the crackers.. so after we 'lo-ed' for awhile someone realised and we added them in, and continued with the 'lo-hei' process.. then after when everything was properly mixed and they started eating the yusheng, then they realised that i had forgotten to add in the most crucial ingredient, the plum sauce!! the very bored people, 'lo-hei-ing' for the third time for the same plate. and then after dinner, we entertained ourselves with a few round of card games.. blackjack and drinks... Shing tried to wipe out the entire bottle of very yummy alcoholic cocktail..
so that somehow sums up how i spent my entire chinese new year..with food, gambling and alcohol. doesnt sound like a very healthy way to start off the new year eh? i hoped you guys had fun. |