Friday, November 24, 2006 |
Oh. and here's what i gave cm as a present. i made him chocolates!![]() ![]() This week has been a mad rush with a report (Integrated Project) and individual paper (storyboarding script) both due today. Spent a lot of time rushing them out and now, i'm seriously in need of sleep as the lack of it has caused pimples to sprout up all over my face, which is really saddening as i have a wedding dinner to attend tomorrow!! Went to shop around at IMM just now.. Daiso's just simply amazing. i can spend the whole day there just looking at plates and bowls, the baking equipment and the stationery! had dinner alone, as everyone's too busy too dine with me and cm's away in be honest, i thought i'll be having loads of fun as i can do whatever i want to without having to tell him much =x, but surprisingly. i feel quite lonely. sighs. i guess i'll just occupy myself with the studying for the management test which is on next monday... |
Wednesday, November 22, 2006 |
We celebrated our 2nd year anniversary on the 18th September instead of the 19th as i had some stupid golf lesson thing which i couldn re-schedule. It has been ages since we last been out on a proper date as he has been busy preparing for his As, and me, always occupied with school and work. ![]() ![]() Shopped around alot for myself and for him a little =p then we went to the Pearl River Palace Restaurant at the Suntec Convention Centre for dinner. it's our anniversary, so we took it as a permit for to spoil ourselves rotten.
i was pretty miffed that they had these harsh lighs on and were playing really tacky songs and conducting those super dumb 'touch-the-water' sessions or something. It kinda killed the mood a little but it was sweet to go back there and just reminise about the past 3 years.
Honey, i think you look really cute in this picture. =) |
Friday, November 17, 2006 |
i badly want to blog for i am in such a rotten mood and i yearn to do some hardcore ranting, which i havent done so in ages cause life has been quite kind to me recently. but not anymore i guess. with all the deadlines scattered all over and the new ICA briefs coming in.. it just helps to complicate matters and make things worse. i cant help but think about what you said to me today manda. though the others assured me, i cant help but keep pondering over it.. BAH. forget it. thinking about how to put it down into words makes me feel even worse. thanks kel, for always being there to cheer me up with your jokes, loves! |
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 |
each time i feel like giving up, your hugs win me back. your words warm my heart. and your smile makes me feel like the best thing on earth. nevermind the quarrels. the abuses. the stress. our differences. the lack of time we spend with each other.. just a smile, and i feel ready to go on loving you. |
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 |
got tagged by lene. so here it goes.. 1. Single, taken or crushing? Taken.. 2. Are you happy with your life now? yeah. extremely. if i had more money, more time with cm, more time for my friends and no morning lessons. 3. When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him/her fast? Not really that fast i'd say.. 4. Have you ever been heart broken? yeah. haven't you? 5. Do you believe that there are some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable? no, those are just rubbish excuses that mostly stupid guys would come up with. 6. Would you take someone back even if he/she cheats on you? i guess it really depends on how much i really feel for that person but usually, if a bf cheats on me, he can just go burn in hell. 7. Have you ever talked about marriage to someone else before? Yeah. i'm a sucker for marriages please. i would love to get married and slave my life away, cooking for my husband. 8. Do you want children? yeah. 9. How many? 2! a boy and a girl. but the boy must be like the oldest one. i think first born sons are so cute. and they'll usually spoil their sisters.. 10. Would you ever consider adoption? yeah. definitely. when the tests show that my ovaries are officially screwed, it's either i adopt a kid from Zimbabwe or something or i just find myself a surrogate mother to bear my child. *any offers? my ovaries are really screwed. 11. If someone likes you now, what do you think is the best way for him/her to let you know his/her feelings? errm. a note would be nice? 12. Do you enjoy getting into relationships? yeah. i enjoy the close-ness and the knowing that there's always someone behind my back, supporting me and being there whenever i need him. 13. Do you believe in love at first sight? it's utter bullshit please. there can only be lust at first sight. 14. Do you believe you can change someone? yeah. definitely. not that i would purposely go and do so. 15. If you could get married somewhere, where would it be? i'm quite a traditionalist so i'd still do the big hotel dinner banquet thing but i would really love to hold my wedding at a place with a lovely view, like maybe by the beach at sunset. 16. Do you give in easily when fighting. please. i'm usually the one who gives in. i always push all the blame onto myself to just end off the dumb and draggy quarrel. 17. Do you have feelings for someone right now? yeah. 18. Do you ever wish that you could have someone but you messed it up? yup. 19. Have you ever broken a heart? ya. 20. If one day your best friend falls in love with the guy/girl you are deeply in love with, what would you do? = not that it would ever happen to me in this lifetime= but if it would, i would just let my bestie have him. it's not worth losing a friend over a guy. 21. Are you missing anyone right now? yeah. 22. Now you have to ask 5 of your friends to do this survey in their blogs. hsien, kel, eoin, cin and bez. okay. went to get my hair done today at my hairdresser's to help him with his photoshoot. so i got a complimentary hair dye and trim... nothing exciting really.. just that i think i look like a fugly lian as the colors far too light for my liking. sheesh. just as i intended to darken it.. anyway! please. if you see me and decide that i look like a lian. please tell me i look like a bimbo! i'd rather be a bimbo than a lian anyday man!! |
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 |
blogging this entry from school. storyboarding ended early and i'm feeling extremely nuah. so much so i'm a little lazy to travel home myself. rushed to school as usual, like how i do so everyday. thanks to the stupid morning classes. yeah. so i ran up the stairs to catch the lrt and i fell. it was utterly unglam i swear. bah. people are like having ica discussions in class..kel's super stressed. i'm like super bored. *yawns* thank god my stress level only surfaces at night.. i find the night better to handle problems and stuff. okay.. i'm gonna go slack. pictures tonight. |