Tuesday, October 31, 2006 |
thanks hsien. for always being there to make me feel better. love ya loads.. *grins* |
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 |
one week into the new sem and the pressure's building up already. i just have this feeling that i wont be performing as well in school this time. cause the modules are like all so, complicated. yes yes cindy. A= L + OE. the timetable sucks and i keep having the urge to meet cm everyday as he is now officially having his study break from school..which is not that good actually. he should be getting all the time he can get with his books!! *for our future sweetheart. mug hard ya. i totally cannot stand morning classes and yipee. this sem almost every day starts in the morning. i miss night classes!! *bawls!!* i want to be able to sleep in till like. 12pm!! oh. and i don't seem to be able to find time for myself now that i have to go back to school and attend dumb golf lessons every Sunday. okay. i admit. i'm not a golf fan and that i'm just taking it up so that my mum and i would have like more opportunities to bond and that she would be able to bring me along when she goes overseas to play..and then i would get the chance to shop. but i'm really excited at the prospect of me being able to go shopping for new golfing equipment and apparel!! oh ya. the learning process is a killer. my coach is like this PGA pro or something important like that (as you can see i dont really bother) and he has this really weird obsession with the end poses of your swing..he has this videocam which he uses every lesson to take videos of a few swings and he actually like analyses them with me. like tell me if the curve of my waist aint apparent enough, the angle of the golf club..that i dont hold my end pose long enough.. and and! i'm picking up golf under loads of pressure as my mum's, boss's son is also learning under the same coach. so yeah. there's this stupid unspoken of competition going on. not only that, i get stupid back aches after each lesson and they last on for about two days. damn sucky i tell you. i've also been spending too much money recently. having blown money on lingerie during last weekend when i have enough to last me for half a month, a different design everyday.. and please. don't get me started on the amount that i spent on the cab rides for the past week. with morning classes almost everyday. i swear, i will really boost the earnings of those cabbies. just in one week. i spent 36dollars on cab rides. imagine what i could do with that amount of money! ...ok. so maybe i won't be able to do much but still. 36dollars is alot!! i could like buy another half of the stupid robbins 'management' textbook! or use it as allowence for two weeks.. so i guess the above just kinda sums up how i'm living my non-existent life at this point of time. oh and ali, if you're reading this. i've thought it over and i guess i can only join common voices next year. =/ sorry! |
Monday, October 09, 2006 |
sometimes i really wish for a driving license and a car so that i can go out and take a breather. like now. the four walls are making me go nuts. |
Sunday, October 08, 2006 |
first things first, a loud happy birthday shout out to matthew the birthday boy who turned 17 yest..![]() bless her soul. i swear she was really traumatised. she kept staring at matt, errm. more like at his groin in this case and when her maid shovelled her along to one of the shops by the side she still continued to look on. poor girl.. scarred for life by inconsiderate matt. please la matt, next time wanna do this kinda things in public, look around first kae? dont go around scaring little kids.. speaking of inconsiderate people. we met this really ugly singaporean today at city link..this lady who was like busy snapping pictures of this caucasian lady using the wheelchair elevator by the escalators beside Godiva.. i swear she must be singaporean, the shame of it all. i mean like please. the caucasian lady and her husband who was with her, is prolly already feeling very conscious of the people looking at them use the wheelchair elevator and all she could do was bam, whip out her camera and snap away? and the flash option was left switched on, attracting even more attention on the poor couple. utterly rude people we have in the mids of our society. anyway. i realised that what cm and manda said might be true.. that i'm this idiot who lives, breathes and survives on stress. like really. i stopped work last thursday and i can't stay at home at relax. i have to find things to busy myself with like maybe go cook for cm or something.. and just a leisurely cooking session turned out disastrous, as his mummy was not there and hence, without the stress factor, sara bought the wrong beancurd sheet for the dessert, the dessert as a result became salty and i switched off the stove even though the barley wasnt thoroughly cooked. and to think i cooked this dessert countless of times and it all turned out good... oh. and suddenly i have so much time to myself, i take longer showers and actually forget if i had shampoo-ed my hair once i step out of the bathroom..and i dreamt of knn last night..that there was some marketing homework that she has issued and i forgot to spread the word around so no one did it and i got a big fat scolding.. yeah and stupid me is now sitting infront of the computer, thinking if i should go get some sleep and whether there would be any chances of the opendiary people replying to my email. sighs. i still am quite upset.. maybe all i need is this really big shopping spree to offset my life back to normal. i know shopping would definitely help to release the tensions.. and it'd be good to know that maybe i could finally lay my hands on that dior watch that i've been eyeing for so long now.. |
Friday, October 06, 2006 |
i was lacking of stuff to do so i decided to look up my old opendiary account to relive past memories, when i realised that the system deleted my account. fucking bastards. it was still there 4months ago. and usually they would like send an email to inform that they are going to delete the account but they deleted it without notification this time. i am so freaking hell pissed. that opendiary was like a testament to my life in secondary school. me&luqi.. the starting of me&cm. with that diary deleted, i have nothing at all left from the relationship i had with luqi. nothing, nada, zilch. which is super fucking sad can!!! gone are the personal entries he written for me. gone are the entries on the dates we had...and of course the entry on how he broke up with me, which i always go back to read whenever i need to do some "waking up". i lost the details of how i met cm. how did the feelings develop..how we started out.. details of my different experiences performing with the commonwealth choir and the vocal consort. feelings i had after each performance and concert i gave.. everything gone just like that. i hate opendiary!! GRRR...if only i could write in and ask if there's anyway they could return me that diary.. like as though they could just go retrive it from the recycle bin of their system..urrghh. |
Monday, October 02, 2006 |
got tagged by kelvin.. 1) How old do you wish you were? 18? Then i would be able to get my dumb license and enter spas legally, using my own personal particulars! 2) Where were you when 9/11 happened? I was at home and i think busy revising for PSLE or something when my parents were watching the news cause all i remembered was hearing about planes crashing into the world trade centre and me then asking my mum where we would go for ice cream and to buy seashells in the future now that the world trade centre is gone. (I mistook it as the world trade centre in singapore, it used to be at the place where the current Habourfront is now standing) 3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money? I used to think that if i insert another coin it would actually push the previous coin out, but i'm not that dumb now. i would just jab the machine real hard to see if my coin drops out .. 4) Do you consider yourself kind? Sometimes, when the occasion calls for it i guess, like i used to donate to the envelopes that we get before each and every Childrens' day from our primary schools? yeah, and i actually wanted to go and volunteer at some children home, but sadly no one wanted to join me, even though one could take the CIP points as a motivation. sheesh. 5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? My ankle, really, if i had to that is, i think a tattoo there would look really nice, especially with heels on... 6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? Latin or French, seriously romantic and sexy languages there. But for now, the top must learn on my list is how to scold "Fuck you" in Bangladeshi. 7) Do you know your neighbours? Yeah, not in the good way. They're this really irritating couple, with nothing better to do. really. all they do is complain to the town council about almost every single thing that goes on in the block. Like compain how we install this shoes cabinet outside our house door? They've been at it for years and we recently just dismantled it cause the town council people kept coming up. Oh ya, when i was with the choir back then and i practiced my parts at home sometimes, they would actually yell out of their living room window. asking me to shut up. how rude right? yah. i should so do the same when they have guests over for mahjong sessions.. 8) What do you consider a vacation? Hmm. One that would allow me to shop, have fun and to experience how the locals there live their life and of course, spas. I love spaS! 9) Do you follow your horoscope? I used to really dig that stuff until i realised that it wasnt really true, especially when they're predicting those financial related matters.. always waaaay off. But then again...i heard the horoscope predictions fron MSN are quite good.. 10) Would you move for the person you loved? As kel said, loved, so i guess not. especially if i had no more feelings for that particular person. 11) Are you touchy feely? I think it depends but there's definitely a limit. 12) Do you believe that opposites attract? no, i somehow think that with similarities, a couple would be able to liv e by easier as there are more common interests and activities. 13) Dream job? i wanted to be a newscaster really badly until i realised that i prolly wouldnt make it with a face like mine, so i'm actually working towards being a fashion editor now..think i would really enjoy that.. 14) Favourite channel(s)? None in particular, but i'm really a sucker for those Taiwan variety programmes. 15) Favourite place to go on weekends? Cm's place to cook him and his family dinner / shopping at town 16) Showers or baths? errm.. i guess even my showers count as baths? 17) Do you paint your nails? Yeah. but i have this really bad habit of letting them chip till they're really fugly looking.. 18) Do you trust people easily? It really depends on who the person is. 19) What are your phobias? I have really really bad germophobia back during my O level period *yes i don't appreciate any comments on my tagboard about then i know it was really bad and i dont need reminding. lol* but all i can say is that it toned down a lot already.. and another, i really have a strong dislike for cockroaches, flying or not, and lizards.. 20) Do you want kids? Yeah! two, a boy and a girl preferably. it'd be perfect. i'll raise them to be really well-behaved and totally eloquent in their speech, nothing like those stupid monkeys we see in the MRTs nowadays.. 21) Do you keep a handwritten journal? I used to. Til i realised the wonders of keeping everything online. 22) Where would you rather be now? With cm. we dont spend enough time together. 23) Who makes you warm and fuzzy? Cm, my close friends and my family.. 24) Heavy or light sleeper? Heavy. and when i'm really exhausted, dead heavy. 25) Are you paranoid. Yeah. often over the silliest of matters.. 26) Are you impatient? Hell yeah. 27) Who can you relate to? My friends? 28) How do you feel about interracial couples? Somehow, they just never fail to remind me of the Brady Brunch 29) Have you been burned by love? Nope. 30) What's your pick up line? LOL. if i ever have one, it would be "I can cook really good...." 31) What's your main ringtone on your mobile? The stupid nokia one!! 32) What were you doing at midnight last night? I was sick in bed, sniffling and trying to sleep. 33) What did the last text on your mobile say? "Up to u. Nite" by cm who's like pissed at me again =/ 34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night? Mine.. 35) What color shirt are you wearing? Cream. 36) Most recent movie you watched? John Tucker must die. I adore chick flicks. so shut up and quit laughing. lol. 37) Name three things you have on at all times. all times? 38) What color are your bedsheets? red.. 39) How much cash do you have right now? In my bag? about ten. its pathetic. 40) What is your favourite part of the chicken? The breasts, seriously, they're the easiest to eat.. 41) What's your favourite town/city? For all that i've been to, it has to be Seoul. the atmosphere there is kinda nice, and their culture interesting. 42) I can't wait til 1. I get my pay cheque 2. my pay gets processed 3. my next shopping trip 4. december where i get to go off to japan 5. til cm's As are over so he would stop pms-ing. 43) What did you have for dinner last night? lol. spaghetti.. 44) How tall are you barefoot? 165!! 45) Do you own a gun? No..and even if i could, i wont. i'm not a gun kinda person.. 46) What do your prefer to drink in the morning? a cup of hot tea or orange juice.. 47) Where do you think you will be in 10years? Happily married, i hope. with a career to boot. 48) Last thing you ate? Steamboat dinner at my grandad's house, it was his birthday celebration. all i had were the cauliflowers and broccoli. and soup. i'm a soup person. 49) What songs do you sing in the shower? I hum choral tunes alot, especially those of which i used to perform.. miss those days.. 50) Last thing that made you laugh? The msn conversation with kel, cindy, eoin and bez. 51) Worst injury you ever had? ERRM. i've been trained not to get injured often since i was a kid cause i would get whacked for every bruise but the worst had to be that fall when was back in pri 6.. the one where my left leg slipped into one of those concrete lined drains by the road? i got a huge ugly scar for memory and i got smacked too.. 52) Does someone have a crush on you? Not that i know of.. 53) What's your favourite candy? Do chocolates count as candy? i really adore chocolate mints.. 54) What song did you want played at your funeral? 'SARA' by Starship, or the 'Sara' by Bob Dylan.. 'The wind beneath your wings' by letterman and 'the prayer' by Charlotte Church.. 55) 8 people to do this! well. anyone who wants too, can do.. |