Wednesday, August 30, 2006 |
well, nothing much to blog about recently. everything has been pretty much all work and cm's busy mugging for his prelims and all.. went to the laguna country club with my mum and sis last sunday for a walk around the place and for an evening swim. the view there is kinda pretty..but it's a pity i don't really do golf, so i doubt i'll be using the green at all. the view at the entrance's kinda impressive eh? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() you know why? cause the coaches are all friggin hot!! all 3 of them. young and tall. with bronzed skin..even with their hair wet and flat, they look so cute. there's one which was exceptionally hot and at the same time cute, with him giving the kids his orders, his half built abs and his red speedos. gawd. i know this sounds so, errm. horny. but i really really like red or orange, for that matter, speedos. on guys. and i got so excited whenever i swam past him at the 1.5m mark, i swore i almost swooned there and then. and was considering if i should act like i'm having difficulties when i realised how stupid it would be as i was at the 1.5m mark. anyway. my mum agrees that he's cute and has signed up with the club for private. get that. PRIVATE swimming lessons with the cutie. i swear sometimes she does this things just to spite me. oh well. cm, don't get jealous kae? lol. if i give u freedom to eye girls, i get to do so too right? and looked what my baby drew to pacify me just now. haha. i was a lil miffed at something he did and he drew this to pacify me! so sweet right? ![]() yeah. i know. =) |
Saturday, August 26, 2006 |
i hate feeling this helpless. it just hurts me so, to hear her being so upset and lost.. and at the same time, know that there's nothing much that i can do to cheer her up. i really can feel her pain.. be strong shing. i'll always be here for u. baby. i feel so rotten.. where are you when i need you the most? |
Thursday, August 24, 2006 |
ok. so here's an entry to explain my lagging in posting new blog entries. i have been tied down since last week, to what eoin calls, a deskjob. in my mother's company. at ubi industrial park, which is literally the other side of singapore for me. so here's a picture of my lovely desktop. yeah. i know it's frigging neat, cause that picture was taken at 9am, you should see how it looks like around 6pm.. ![]() look. the below pile took me about errm. 1.5 days. i had to key everything into the master comp and then file them up in alphabetical order according to their company name and then sort them in acending numerical order. sheesh. ![]() Anyway, cm told me to check this out on i know Zoe Tay looks a bit like Jolin Tsai here in the billboard but check out the captions: "My secret to beautiful skin? I swallow." i know it's quite bad advertising but i think it's really funny. couldnt stop laughing when i heard it. So now at least we know where she gets her good skin from... Happy birthday babe! may u have many many more enjoyable pe lessons and bump into your eyecandy more often in school! take care and have a nice day, though you've got stupid detention. =) meet up soon ya! |
Thursday, August 10, 2006 |
It's 3am and im not excatly in the best of moods. The howling of the wind, and the stupid raindrops pounding against the window only succeed in making me feel worse. had a quibble with cm, and we talked. i know, we quarrel almost every week, but this time it's different. i can feel its talks used to help us bond better, understand each other better. But this time, after we hung up the phone, i just felt so lost. As cliche as it can sound, i somehow always felt that connection between us, even though we're not together. i could just somehow just sense his presence as i'm going along doing my daily activities. Recently, i feel nothing. zero. nada. zilch. the emptiness in me, just scares me so. i can tell we're growing distant with time. heck. i know we're getting distant. very distant in fact. it just saddens my heart so. to know that he is there, but i just cant reach out to him. maybe it's me, being too devoted to school, or as he calls it, an obsession. Him dealing with prelim and A level stress and having to put up with my neglecting of him.. or maybe i should just stop looking for excuses. and face the fact that maybe it's true, that i don't love him as much as he does me. but the truth just hurts so bad, i really have tried hard to make things work. to put up with all the nonsense that came along the way. But that's still not equivalent to the 100% that he has given me? and it just hurts to know that all this while i might have been short-changing him. he's now in bed as i sit by the computer typing out my emo thoughts and revealing the weakest side of me for all to see. although i know he's feeling as hurt as i am, and prolly a lot more tired, i just somehow wish, that he would volunteer to stay up with me, through this sleepless night, to keep me company and give me comfort. the rain outside seems to be on the same wavelength as me-the incessant rhythm of it falling, seems to be perfectly in sync with my crying heart. |
Thursday, August 03, 2006 |
didn sleep again last night, and i know i'm supposed to be sleeping like now but all that chatting with manda about mac and twits got me like really high.. dammit. it's exhausting to be high while you're already tired. tensions are on the high with all the projects this week due next to next, and all the stupid presentations. i can't wait to get over with ha's kueh lapis storyboard already? then i'll be able to slack as i study for marketing and the intro to media thing. oh. i was literally dozing off during the test today? i know my handwriting normally is bad enough but my handwriting today was disastraous. cause i still continued writing on even though my eyes were like half closed. anyway i quite like the movie he showed us today? it's something lame and retarded and quite cute. it somehow strangely reminded me of secondary sch where mandric once brought this battle royale disc and we watched the thing as a class..the feeling of both shows were kinda similar. anyhows. i'm going off to bed like now. pictures of the cute guys in my class tomorrow! i know matt and leonard can hardly wait. |
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 |
i'm very sorry to those who got offended by my ego-istic entry earlier on. anyway! did any of you read todays paperS? on the topic where they're trying to curb the rates of teenage sex? especially for the people in the malay community? the ministers are like worried cause amongst the high abortion rates, there's a high number of malay teens? anyhows. there's this point in the papers which really cracked me up. like how they are roping in people from the community to help in this abstinence drive? and they're getting like TAXI DRIVERS to "preach" at young couples who board their taxis. like tell them all the advantages on abstinence.. or something like that. i can't really remember everything word for word so pardon me if it's not 100% accurate. but i just think its so funny. like imagine. those muds and minahs board the taxi and they like have a cuddle on the backseat and the uncle in front goes uncle: " cuddling in the backseat. abstinence is good for you. you two better separate your bodies or the girl will get pregnant" (something crappy along that line) and come on la. u can just imagine their reactions right? i think they'll most probably give the poor-trying-to-be-helpful taxi uncle the finger. i think the whole thing is just funny. not that i'm not pro-abstinence or whatever. i mean yeah. i still think the whole idea of keeping yourself for marriage is sweet but getting taxi uncles to preach to young couples on abstinence? i just don't get it. ohoh! anyway. i love that song 'buttons' by pussycat dolls? haha, it's nice!! and do you know why you sick people are like so hooked onto cough syrups? it's because one bottle contains 2% opium!! u sick asses. haha. i got to know that from habez who learnt of it from a really very reliable source! |