Monday, July 31, 2006 |
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!! I JUST GOT MY FIRST A. 45.5/50 and whats more its for the creativity and thinking skills module. oh my fucking god. ahhh. im stunned kay? i so thought i would fail luh!!! hahah. =) |
Sunday, July 30, 2006 |
oh. to bitch with habez, is such fun. he really entertains the inner bitch in me. woot woot. i haven't felt this bitchy in ages. loves loves. all in the name of pure entertainment and grammar. =) we should all start writing ego-istic entries. i forsee that it's the hottest must-follow trend! |
you know i really should be working on the knn poem proposal and finishing the editing of cm's testimonial. but i just can't concentrate on doing work in the afternoon!! bleah. anyway, the reason for this blog entry is for my new obssession! Arnott's tim tams!! they're like delish? and definitely a god-sent gift. tim tams are this biscuit thingy's coated with a thick layer of chocolate. just chuck the newly bought packet in the fridge for awhile.. they're not as nice when melty.. i love the dark choc ones. woot! so rich and sweet..they're better than an orgasm man! i swear. on the packet of black forest flavoured ones i have in my fridge!! =) and i love haagen daaz rum and raisin ice cream too. just dont understand why it melts so fast.. anyway, i realised that the people in class, most of them like to do their work last minute! alas for me, i'm last minute worker too. but my last minute doesn't mean doing it the day before, but doing it 12hours before the time of deadline. bah. i'm really a lousy worker. can't work without stress and pressure man. and i seriously don't understand why there are so many disgusting cough syrup lovers on my tagboard, namely yuhan, cherylene, zafirah, sherwin...and bitch shingshing, the ahlian. all sryups are disgusting. really. and cherryade's disgusting too, it tastes like fugging cough syrup.. oh oh!but there's this fever medicine which is kinda nice.. it taste like the orange flavored cod liver oil i used to take. really sweet stuff. which makes it the only okay medicinal syrup ever. i think someone should just save all the sick people in the world by coming out with really yummy medicinal syrups! that would so be a great invention. anyway. i love pills. and capsules when you can see the powdered contents in it. and i love my $1. 50/pill anti-biotics. they're cute and colorful but don't really work well in curing me totally from the curse of the fucking phelgm.they're freaking expensive too. totally random, but i also just realised that i don't really know much of what cm's doing in school. didn know that he's a class rep. haha! so cute.. and the fact that he loves his cip visits to the homes and interacting with the elderly? that instantly makes him gem! *hugs* oh well. i better get back to editing his testimonial and the knn work cause i'll be going out for dinner really soon? i'm really craving for sakae sushi. though i had a few plates with cm last night... |
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 |
you know, if i could pay to get rid of my fever, cough and sore throat. i would. i hate feeling sick. it's okay if it's just 2days and you get to stay home and rest. But it aint doing me any good when i have tonnes of stuff to rush as the deadlines all fall within this week. urrghh. so frustrating. the medicine the doc gave aint helpin much too. i hate syrups. especially those nasty red or black ones they give for the cough. bleah. i'm so pissed with bong cause it's 1530 already and he hasnt stepped in for class. man. suddenly im like dreading school? i cant wait for the holidays to come. |
Monday, July 24, 2006 |
i feel bad for not loving my mum as much as others.. |
ooo. i've been tagged by miss cindy and iffah. haha. so here it goes.. 7 random things about myself: 1) i spend too much money. 2) i'm too brand conscious 3) i love cabbing. 4) i like the esplanade rooftop a lot. 5) i'm a sucker for diamonds. 6) i feel like eating oranges. 7) i love my biotherm eyecream. 7 things that scare me: 1) lizards. 2) flying cockroaches. 3) getting wrinkles. 4) dirt. 5) losing my handphone. 6) not having enough money to spend. 7)not having enouugh money to spend. 7 random songs at the moment: 1) Wang leehom's Kiss Goodbye. 2) White Lion's When the Children cry. 3) Kelly Clarkson's Where is your heart. 4) Kelly Clarkson's Behind this hazel eyes. 5) Fort minor's Believe me. 6) Fort minor's where'd you go. 7) Mariah Carey's I'll be there. 7 things i like the most: 1) the fried fish noodles from the foodcourt in tampines mall. 2) bus rides. 3) fragrances. 4) ben & jerry's ice cream. 5) iced latte from starbucks. 6) my demin minis. 7) my digital camera. 7 people to do this: 1) hsien. - i think almost everyone has done it already. Favourites: color: black, red, white, turquoise. Food: chilli crabs, that fried fish noodles from tampine mall, tofu. song: no preference. day of the week: sat, cause i get to spend the day with cm.. Current: mood: sick and tired, pissed as well cause i got an mc but there's soozles tomorrow which i can't skip. taste:craving for something cold. clothes: teeshirt and shorts. desktop: scenery picture taken from esplanade's rooftop garden. toenail: black red from missa? ( dunno how to spell the shop name) the color's nice, but it chips super easily..=( surroundings: fan, bed, blanket.. thoughts: i really should be sleeping now. haha! First: boyfriend: this guy in kindergarten, haha. crush: the same guy in kindergarten. music: the beatles. Last: cigarrette:never before. i hate smoking and will never ever do so. drink: barley water. haha. it's nice. car ride: i took my mum's car to bp plaza just to see the doctor. crush: haha. gr which was like waaaay long ago. phonecall: with cm, asking me to help him out with his testimonial. Have you ever: dated your bestfriend: yes. broken the law: yeah. all the jaywalking, drinking.. been arrested: nope. skinny-dipped: not yet. been on tv: yeah... kissed someone you don't know: nah.. 5 things i'm wearing: shirt, shorts, undies and earrings. =X 4 things i have done today: sleep, do up ha's ica, see the doctor, take medicine and eat. haha! 3 things i can hear now: mother snoring. tapping sound from the keyboard and the buzzing of the aircon. 1 thing i did when i was bored: read archie comics!! haha |
Friday, July 21, 2006 |
isn't it funny to see the twists and turns of life, at the age of 17. secondary school sweethearts and married with 2 daughters; one chose to forsake all these just for a misunderstanding whilst the other has already given up trying to make things work. She leads the kind of lifestyle which i would choose to call as that of a "jet-setter", golfing trips to malaysia every Friday, driving range on Monday nights, weekly yoga sessions and the daily morning run. and the occasional business trip to Batam, HongKong, China.. He works extremely hard, with just 4hours of sleep a day, to make ends meet, to provide for the family, to pay for the bills. She provides me with all my material needs, shoes, clothes, make up, diamonds..fine dining.. while He, simply just takes me out for a meal, at the coffeeshop. to celebrate say, my birthday. The gesture although simple, really means a lot to me.. She's ambitious, aims for the best in life- a Ford, credit cards, diamonds from tiffany's, a rolex, the soon-to-be-received country club membership and currently saving up for a condominium.(all with her own earnings) He's getting his last credit card confiscated this saturday, and has to continue slogging out his guts to pay the bills and loans as he doesn't want to burden the woman of the house. his wife. the one woman that he loves so dearly. two people, once so much deeply in love 19years ago, now living like complete strangers in the same house. for the last 2.5years. It's amazing how i lived through the past years, without having both my parents together, by my side at any one time. i think it's even harder for my younger sister.. this just struck me whilst i was in the shower earlier on. the difference in their lifestyle, their different goals in life, was it a mistake even from the start, when they decided to bond? to share the rest of their lives together? you know what, strangely it's because of them, that kinda shapes me up, that gives me the determination to make my life work- the way i want it to be. i know i haven't been exactly fair to both of them, i spoil my dad silly when it gets to his birthday as i feel he just doesn't get to enjoy himself much whereas my mum's birthday i usually just buy her a i feel that she has already enjoyed far too much of life's luxurious pleasures. no matter what, i don't deny, i love them both dearly, mum and dad. I don't mean to be mean, especially when i say this, but i think one of the biggest insults that anyone can ever give me, is to tell me that i'm exactly like my mum.. which is recently proving to be scarily true. that ambitious mind, the determination, all the stubborness. all that domineering behavior, it's just oh so familiar. i hate to admit it, i really do take after her alot, even though we're not really close, as compared to me and my dad. so. i guess. it's time for me. to nip this bud. to stop myself before i step onto the same path which she took and end up isolating myself from the love of my family. Maybe i should be more family oriented? like try to stay home more often.. i know deep down that i'm quite a family oriented person, all that cooking and house organizing. but i just hate staying home. My home, i think is just a house. it's not like a home at all, it's empty and cold. you get the gist. i love it when i'm at cm's place, the family friendly banter, the just warms the whole place up. or maybe i should just simply stop splurging. like think thrice or maybe four times before i get another 80dollars mango top. before buying a new foundation from paul&joe.. this way i would be able to save up all my pay, and stop, really stop taking money from my dad. Maybe, this way i might help to lighten his burden and not make him work so hard, then we could spend more time together and my life wouldn't be that devoid of parental love. i guess home is the key essential to prevent me from straying in the undesired direction. i really have no idea where this entry is leading to but judging from the above it seems like i'm feeling a little lonely eh? sometimes, i can't help but think, if, i'm saying IF. what if secondary school sweethearts like cm n i end up in the same state too.. we're alike in certain aspects yet at the same time..really very different. arrghh. shucks. all that emo venting kinda tired me out. i can't wait til saturday, where cm gets to spend the day with me again. i miss cm. |
Tuesday, July 18, 2006 |
i know i know blogging about such a topic immediately reduces me to the status of a nerd, or a dork even but i really need an outlet to bitch about this whilst my school life is close to perfect, minus the icas, tight deadlines and stress. i'm really fucking pissed about the fact that my As seem to just slip away from me! be it a mere 1marks or a 3mark gap. it just pisses me off when i can't get it. i hate not being able to get what i want. especially if its so close to me. bah! i never had this feeling of desperation for an A since primary school. throughout secondary school i was the utter flunker. i flunked everything from geography to emath, being the last in my level and for my Os, being the only one who failed bio amongst the 60 who makes up the biology taking cohord. i'm sick and tired of being the last. urrghh. i so want an A. just one, which will make this semester of mine in school complete. |
hsien says: wahh euu sibeii prO lorrX. mAchiiam ah lian. ji tao high~~! she's really good at impersonating their talk. i really think she might be born with such genes. the other day i was doing some research on google when this blog add came out so i went to check it out and boy was that blog hilarious. throughout the blog was those kind of lian form of english? and every of her sentences were punctuated with this phrase "ji tao". i really had no idea what it meant, so i asked hsien today and hence started this ah lian english craze.. we're like talking on msn using "lian english" but seriously, have you ever wondered how those girls learn how to spell like that? it's really kind of atrocious isn't it? i swear there's this hidden manual somewhere which teaches them how to spell their friendster testimonials or write their blogs like that.. and where to put the alphabets as capitals, to double your alphabets or where to include the 'X'es and "Z"es.. my lian conversation with hsien is really driving me nuts. i can hardly stifle my laughter. my mum's gonna whack me like really soon. the other time where i had such a close encounter with such scary language was when cm was still in the campus competition, he had this scary but die-hard devoted fan who smsed him like this: " ii missX euu lehS. euu mus take careX inn sch ooK? kEkeKez" or something along that line.. and look! what a FEW delicious looking testi i dug out from his testimonial list! or shld i say testimomo =X version1: hii nice to haf ya in moi friends l ist minnd to introos hehe thankiiee free to add moi a testimomo too! miss'aiai version2: sowiie llarhhs. didnt meant tu quarrel wiif ew ytd. shoo ew tell me when ew can go out llors. jane wants tu go out wiif ew. there's more due to his fanbase being made up by loads of young secondary schoolgirls. *i'm sorry baby if you're offended by me posting your testimonials on my blog. but they're really funny. i really think typing in such a way is just so tiring. bah. it's also so difficult to read. ohoh!! you know they also have this pose which is like *chin down, big doeful sorrowful eyes* go look up friendster you get tonnes of such pictures!! i bet the "how-to-do-the-pose" instructions are also included in their dictionary. waah! now i ji tao hiighX lorr. KekeZZ *faint* oh ya. don't get me started on the male species of their kind. cues the mm zz mm zz music as hsien calls it! lol. |
Monday, July 17, 2006 |
i'm having a very hard time now, deciding on which path i should take. i hate choosing paths, cause you might either end up happy or really regretting your decision. unluckily for me, its usually the latter. |
Saturday, July 15, 2006 |
" Bitching is good for the soul." Sara. 15/07/06 |
Wednesday, July 12, 2006 |
you know sara, those cab rides really really are unhealthy. a round up of $11 a trip.. 3 trips a week = $33 in a month: $33 x 4= $132 if you just freaking stop taking taxis you'll save that much in a month. that could jolly well buy you the mascara you've been eyeing/ a new pair of shoes/ your lancome moisturiser/ a 50ml bottle of burberry london!! and look. now they're jacking up the rates of taxis. cab rides will cost an extra 30% more.. it's such an opportunity for you to stop your disgusting habit now and stick to your already paid for mrt concession and take the trains home. i duno why, but i'm still not convinced. i really love my taxi rides alot. boo! |
Friday, July 07, 2006 |
arrghh. i'm so pissed with blogger. i spent a total of more than 8hours trying but i cant get my full load of pictures up. sorry peiling and amanda. i'll post them up one day! =) hsien and i went back to our alma mater on Friday, our not so dear commonweatlh to collect our long-due O level certificates. Managed to catch up with a few juniors this time i went back (peiling, amanda, michelle) and even got to say hi to my darling's baby! so here's a pic of my darling and i waiting for the bus to JEC's kbox. i was a little disappointed that we weren't going anywhere else. but oh well. whats there to complain when we don't have much to spend.. ![]() Kbox session!! In kbox, there are usually 2 kind of people. Person No1 who closes his eyes when he sings to feel the song better and to express his deepest feelings..
Oh anyway. though hsien squints really badly. she sings really well. her rendition of Tata Young's "I Believe" and "Sexy Naughty Bitchy" really turned up the heat in our was like at the level of ultimate high.. so fangyi and i, being super high with the diva's earlier wonderful performance, sang stupid songs like the "calcutta taxi song" "lemon tree" and "Genie in the bottle" The end result...
they joined us for dinner at kfc! which shing wanted as she was craving Zinger. i was kinda craving long john..but oh well. i'd rather KFC than the other option which was Kobayashi.. it's really sucky. Dinner was a rather fun affair, with hsien's scary eating habits, bitchy talk and lots of cam-whoring!
i kinda like this picture as it really potrays the blur-ness and cute-ness of timothy, which basically sums him up as a person. Look at him, take photo also dunno how to look at the camera..sheesh..
![]() ![]() Then they went back to being cute and sweet... it has been awhile since i had that much fun with them.. |
i'm like super slow as it was produced long long ago but i thought 'Super Size Me' was really freaky when i watched it in class. I thought eating it like once a week was okay, but apparently its not. urrghh. scary. it so turns me off macdonalds. at least for now. the supersize meals in america look absolutely disgusting, it's like a meal made for giants! it rained like fuck today morning and i couldn't get a cab no matter which taxi company line i called. the booking lines were all busy! so desperate me, ran out at 0845, and managed to hail a cab, in the rain, within 5mins! i know, i know, i have this affinity with cabs. we're like genetically programmed to find each other. quibbled with cm just now. sometimes i really think that i expect too much from him.. but surveying the situation, i think one of the problem with girlfriends in general, besides that they give the guy too much, is that they expect the guy to reciprocate as much too. much is so never gonna happen until they grow a heart in like say, year 2038. |
Tuesday, July 04, 2006 |
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! it's 3.18am. my brain has died and i'm supposed to finish editing the bong project. edit's the word, but it seems like i'm doing up the whole thing by myself as instead of bits and pieces of information. it seems that i only have 1 reliable source. i'm kinda upset that they didn send me their files as promised? upset till everything's kinda blurred and messy... there's only eoin who's online, also editing his bong project and we're like entertaining each other. damn. i hate radio. if only this is magazine. my life would be so much more easier. guess i should get back to work now so i'll, hopefully, get to sleep by 5am. |
Monday, July 03, 2006 |
i was so pathetically bored that i read this from the msn page: Why he's not the marrying type. 1.He needs his space. like wtf? like females don't need spaces. i swear this is such an alpha male speaking (oh, no wonder, it's written by a JIM.) 2.He's married to his work. well. he can jolly well die with his work. 3.He's been married before and got burned. 4.He has grey hair but is still a 22year old emotionally.. it then occurred to me that i have a few pointers which i can add on which i think are far better than the 4 above. so here is sara's pointers, on why he's not the marrying type. 1. He's afraid that sex with the wife will be boring after awhile, he doesn't want to commit to having only one sex partner for the rest of his life. (guys are a selfish bunch) 2. He's afraid of being caught wanking at home and having to answer to his new emo wife. 3. He wants to view porn in peace. 4. He wants to flick his boogers whenever he feels like it, throw his clothes around the house, leave the dishes unwashed and not have anyone nag at him. 5. He doesn't want to share the telly, the house and the bed. and the list goes on and on. but i guess the main idea is that most of these commitment-phobic guys are just too selfish for their own good. |