Tuesday, May 30, 2006 |
u know wad. i really want to know how well you claim to know me. Must i spell it out to you that i am not in a good mood? isn't it obvious enough? Guess not. 2 years. i cant believe you're that dumb. |
Monday, May 29, 2006 |
i love chick flicks. they alway evoke an emotion deep down me, that i always forget was there. and i hate it as they always make me cry. bought biotherm yeux creme. $72 gone liddat. i'm kinda surprised dad didn scold me. he just opened his eyes like huge in shock. haha. still remembered the other night when he picked me up from work, he was saying why i dun seem to have skincare products and that i should go get some. he's so cute. i love my daddy. |
Saturday, May 27, 2006 |
feeling emotional after talking to zihan just now. he made me realise how much i miss singing. acjc choir's concert is on monday and they are going to London for $3000 for a competition. wow... i miss training for competitions. and for concerts..sigh had been trying a fucking half an hour to load my old choir pics up but i cant seem to get it done. i miss css choir. i miss the vocal consort. i miss singing. without choir. my life seems kinda hollow even though i have cm, school and work to keep me busy. Thinking back of the Australia trip with css. the genting trip with css and tvc. the two concerts with tvc. the syf and concerts and many many performances with css. i really miss my choir life. really. though it's busy, it was fulfilling. thinking back of choir makes me miss my choir peeps even more. fangyi, zihan, peiling, cedric, sherwei, yuhan, xiaoting, wenhsien, debs, juitlian, jason, ernest... i remember quartet positions, they were really fun, especially singing with jason in quartet, lying on the floor to train for syf.. imagining the syf scene twice in the black music room. the musty smell of the carpets. the dreading to attend practices. the trips in the bus to siglap..nelson.. celtic blessing was like beautiful, and the jubilate concert, though i had like a pathetic short solo, i remembered how i felt then, nervous and stressed. remembered nelson commented that i look as though i was gonna give birth on stage! hah! i also remember yuki nohi, miao jia shao nu, daemon...=) the singing of "now every tree" around the bush in siglap CC like at night, practicing "janger" and "wayang kulit" and "ave maria" like in the very very tiny room in siglap with tvc, making the walls vibrate, the wonderful sensation of the sounds produced by the tvc then..it was just..delightful. no words can describe how i felt then.. i remember ave maria very vividly. i remembered the sound of it when sung in the css school hall, one could really feel the sense of release in the song..the dynamics were just..wow. almost every song performed by tvc was like wow. i was lucky to get through the auditions for the small group category for the competition, being one of the youngest singer, and feeling the sense of pride when we got awarded the gold diploma. i guess that what i like about the tvc, every song has it's oomph. it's magic. it's ability to touch hearts. it's dynamics and blend... i miss singing, the sense of release you experience when you belt out your notes. the harmonious feeling you get when you hear all the voices blend as one... i think i know how it really is now, to live a life without passion. it's dull. i'll try posting pics up tomorrow. |
Thursday, May 25, 2006 |
feel kinda empty today. i dunno why. but i just feel kinda hollow. since early morning. presentation went well i guess. until the Q&A part. somehow i just have the feeling that soozles isn't happy with our presentation. i want the class pic taken in huda's camera. anyone who has it do email me. shopping tomorrow. hope it makes me feel better. i miss hsien... |
i finally had my Pepper Lunch sprouts and carrots today. So happy and satisfied. ended school around 12 today. with like a new 7weeks ICA assigned to us. bleah. and we're having a written tests for marketing after our two weeks break? like double bleah. school starts at 11 tomorrow. i really wish i could sleep in. i'm like worn out. but. this weekend is no time for lie ins.=) friday shopping with manda at marina. we're like kicking off the GSS. haha. intending to be like the first few shoppers or something. geez. i'm so excited. saturday, i dunno. but i usually have plans with cm? sunday it's work at isetan scotts! i live such a fulfilled life. if only leonard would give me more attention in school i swear my life would be like close to perfect. Not. presentation at soozles class tomorrow. i'm praying so hard that we won;t screw things up. i'll be damned if i fail the module Creativity and Thinking Skills. |
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 |
i'm in school. it's broadcast lesson and i'm bored. i'm craving for the carrots and beansprouts from Pepper Lunch. i love Pepper Lunch.. n the gyonzas from this dianxin place in marina. i'm kinda hungry. left home without food today as i was rushing azchar's work, which he wrote a big late! on the front cover. i swear his act of vandalism on my pretty cover page made my heart bleed. i'm pissed cause i cant acess the blogskin webpage. i so wanna look up a skin for poshcloset. tutorials to be handed up for knn tomorrow, and yipee. we haven even started. i have a printer already but it prints like badly. fuck the ink cartridge. i want to snuggle under my blanket and go to sleep in my air-conditioned 18degrees room. this is such a waste of time..2freaking hours in a class doing nothing much really. i miss the fish burger from mos burger. haven eaten it in a loong time. the Great Singapore Sale has like already started. Guess! is like on sale? their bags are like selling cheap, but, i dun really like Guess! bags as much as i used to already. too many people carrying it around. i wanna buy a puppy and keep him at cm's place and call him baby. i hate the hamsters at home. they're fucking jumpy and they refuse to let me touch them. i really want an LV wallet. i still crave the rasberry vernis one.. i also need more clothes. zara would be good. i really need to curb my spending.. boo hoo. i'm hungry. |
Monday, May 22, 2006 |
Minus the words this entry would almost be dedicated to cm. almost. but he was kinda cute on saturday. really. we went to changi airport for breakfast at Bk..shopped around at their pathetic shops and then we went to plaza singapura to catch 'over the hedge'. it's super cute. really entertaining. i'd rather do that again then watch da vinci. *no offence. went to wisma..in search of this esprit jacket that i saw at plaza singapura.. and i bought it! it was such a steal at only $60. *grins!* it was money well spent..then went over mango@takashimaya for me to collect my top and we dinner at Indochine. the atmosphere there is superb...but i can't say so much about the food? maybe it just wasnt to my liking at all. i spent 18dollars for a plate of minced meat (as pictured below) felt really dumb. but i wouldn't mind going back again..for drinks.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i like this top. heh. had work today at takashimaya. sales was not bad. =) i'm quite pleased and i finally bought my shu uemura cleansing oil. =) i'm kinda tired and i'm supposed to be working on azchar's ICA? but i just have no inspiration..i'm just feeling blank in my mind. but i cant get to sleep either. sighs. and there's viju as well.. god bless me. i know i shouldn't have shopped too much but please don't punish me this way. i promise i'll try to look at the needs instead of wants next time. really. |
Saturday, May 20, 2006 |
ok. On my blog Leonard's mine. although i told fiz that i would give him up.. i'm sorry. i can't. leonard and i are so cute together we're made for each other! hah! there's like tonnes of ICAs due on monday? thank god we (cin&yl) finished it today already. haha. 1 down..2 more ICAs to go. the 1000word essay for scriptwriting and the script for the news broadcasting. and a whole lot of knn's tutorials too..swot on sentosa..the freaking BananaRepublic site which she believe can be accessed.. let her go access it herself. hmmph. the Great Singapore Sale is coming up **jumps for glee** i wonder if adidas goes on sale..i remembered last time. remembered they had this sale going on and some of their sneakers were almost half price. heh. i'm dying for a jacket. a sports jacket preferably. i'm longing to chuck the black ugly giodarno out. it's so dated..and ugly. and common. sheesh. i really wanna buy the shu uemura cleansing oil. and get some new tops.. and that pair of Fox cargo shorts which i wanted to get since like a decade ago. i also want bronzer powder. a tankini.... i think if nobody's gonna control me. i might just max out my visa within the sale period. DO NOT encourage me to go shopping. (this applies strictly to manda) but....we can go once or twice eh? not too often. hehe! marina square! for now. i HAVE to stop procrastinating and go start on my interview questions! date with cm tml. *smiles!* |
Thursday, May 11, 2006 |
my op is killing me. i thought it'd be as easy as the first time but apparenlty nooO... it hurts so much more and for the past 5hrs i couldn't stand past 5mins as i would get giddy. the bleeding hasn't stop yet and oh-my-fuck should u see the opening. the stitch is like so fucking long. fuck. no wonder i'm in pain. Just downed painkillers..without food. i'm hungry but i could get food down as by opening my mouth slightly wider, the wound bleed even more. i have 5days worth of MC. today, tml, sat, sun and mon. i only got one day the other time. i wonder if it's really that bad. $600 for a fucking wisdom tooth..wonder if u guys would wanna see the tooth. i'll take a pic of it and post it here or something. it's still bloody. haven't washed it yet. i wonder if i can do my informative speech next week well. so worried if i cant articulate properly then. sighz i wished i attended school today. wanted to hear their narrative speeches. i never thought i would ever say this but i'm missing school. and the class. =) |
Friday, May 05, 2006 |
fuck everything. he had to upset me again. |
cm has been nagging at me recently. saying that i sleep very late hours. i guess all poly people are somehow in the same situation eh? so many projects to keep us busy with nowadays..wanna sleep early also cannot.. he keeps scaring me by telling me that people who sleep late age easily. get fat easier have lousier skin..and stuff like that.. i'm close to believing it. really. ever since my late nights..my skin condition has gotten real bad..and i keep dozing off in class which is like really bad.. though i love the free and easy time table that comes with poly life, i sometimes quite hate the system. like yesterday, a teacher suddenly gets an mc and we all get last minute notices..and today, another teacher went on mc so we spent 2hrs in our tutorial room turned integrated resort doing nothing much really. two groups of intense gamblers and a group of photowhore fanatics. lolx also..we have to do make-up lessons for those lessons that we missed on the public holidays. now i hate public holidays. they just screw up our timetable and make it more packed. kinda finished with the emceeing project already. did the compilation bit quite slowly. hope jessica's not pissed with me. and did up the one page report for SooSL which was supposedly due today =p some of my classmates told me today that our teacher mr edwin tan look like billy bong from living with lydia. and boy...does he really look like him. he even sounds like him!! i can't help but laugh whenever he gives this look from this certain angle. really. by telling me. i cant help but think of fish balls whenever i look at his face now. oh well. i guss i better remind myself to start on my gay marriage project like this week? as the report is due soon. so much work!! arrghhh.. i'm so stressed up. so scared i'll do badly and pull down the grades for my modules. i so badly wanna do well. i miss cm too. though i saw him yesterday. but somehow, it jsut wasn't enough. i dunno y. but the time we spend with each other recently seems to get shorter and shorter..i'm looking forward to this weekend..hopefully we can spend more time together.. owell. first things first. i'm off to bed. hopefully sleep will help cure my tiredness. |
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 |
i did it again. i skipped my first lecture yesterday, felt really bad as it was the oh-so-cute mr seah teaching... but oh well. skipping i guess is better akin to getting told infront of the whole class to try to catch up.. so i went to the library, read the papers and planned out what i had to do for the upcoming ICAs..there's just so many. i wonder how and where i should start from. maybe the dateline of the emceeing project is a hint that i should start there first. today morning, at 0645, as i was hitting my alarm's snooze button for the second time, an sms came in..and guess what, our lovely teacher smsed "i'm sorry, on mc today, tutorial's cancelled. please inform the class" and i'm like fucking bollocks. how the hell was i supposed to inform like 30people before they step out of the house. so i called those that stayed a lil further and thank god, managed to catch them before they left for school. thanks to manda and habez for helping to spread the word. i wouldn't be able to get the message across to everyone if i had to do it myself. so. as the saying goes. the first time will never be the last time. so yeah. i skipped another school event again. this time it's our orientation finale, something which is compulsory but, well. i decided not to go. didn bother getting an sms as well as loads of people told it ain't worth it.. sheesh. i wanna skip yet i can't help getting paranoid. i'm such a loser. oh ya. the labour day weekend was greeaat. i went shopping with mummy dearest and i bought 3pairs of shoes from Novo ( all made out of rubber) and a pair of knee-length shorts which so fits me to the T. i seldom look good in shorts so i made myself get it. and i'm glad i did or i would so regret it. before my shopping trip i went for brunch with mummy and sis at four seasons hotel. the bill was $230 for 2adults and 1child. i can't help but think, what a rip off. seriously, at least it was for me. the food was not to my taste as it was mainly those cold oysters..prawns..lobsters. and seriously, i never ever like the taste of cold seafood. i wonder how can people actually say it tastes fresh when it actually, in my opinion, tastes revolting even if covered fully with sauce. They also served alot of those fusion cuisine which i as well, don't like. so. i guess. it was a waste for my mom to bring me to such a place.. but anyway. to be fair, i shan't completely slag them off right? i must mention some of their good stuff too! they serve alot of nice desserts there. seriously divine stuff. like those nutella macrooons and the chocolate pralines...and the caramel custards. they also had this free-flow fruit juice and cocktail thing going on. the cocktails were good, i'm a sucker for cocktails. so yeah...without the desserts and the drink, i guess the brunch buffet would absolutely suck. In my opinion, i would so rather go for the dinner buffet and orchard hotel. they serve stuff like pepper or chilli crabs there.. and there's this booth which serves drunken prawns. and their prawns are like live ones..so when you want a bowl, the chef just scoops the prawns up and cooks them...cruel i know but they're really really yummy. and the buffet's like half the price of brunch at four seasons! *regrets* Oh. there's a reason why i love shopping at mango,warehouse and zara too. not only for the designs and of course, the brand, they offer very good after-sales services. like my purple top. one of the strings lining the bust area of the top ran after a wash, and i actually brought it back to see if they could do anything about it. they actually offered to take my piece and send it to the factory for some hemming and mending. F.O.C. it's definitely money worth spending. i mean. if you were to buy a top, say, at far east for $30. if the seam runs and u take it back, i guess the sales girl would most probably just tell you to bugger off. i'm typing this entry at cm's place. i'm in such a lazy mood. still feel like going back to bed. sheesh. i guess one can never get too much sleep in my case.. heh. lazy me. oh ya. cindy. if you're reading this. don't buy maybeline's mascara la. buy lancome. from me. i swear, you'll be pleased with what the lancome mascara can give u. it's award winning lah! sure won't disappoint.. come visit me one day and try it out k? |
Monday, May 01, 2006 |
hsien. thanks for always being there for me. love ya loads. and cm, i'll try to make things better. love ya. |